Our Mission
We exist to take the Gospel of Jesus behind prison bars, so prisoners find transformation out of their sins.
Each year, people like YOU proclaim Jesus to prisoners.
People like you partner with ARM Prison Outreach to take the Gospel to prisoners by:
Sending 17,000 Bibles into 195 prisons.
Providing over 19,000 Bible studies to prisoners through the American Bible Academy correspondence courses.
Giving out 2.5 million DaySpring Christian greeting cards to prisoners so they can encourage and stay connected with family back home.
And nearly 45,000 prisoners were baptized into Christ in one of the 1,800 baptistries ARM sponsors placed in prisons around the U.S.
Let me introduce you to a prisoner people like you help. He mailed a letter from San Quentin State Prison, and it begins:
“My name is Michael and I was arrested on murder charges on Christmas Day. I was sentenced to death in California and South Carolina….”
“Before I made those stupid, selfish, and evil decisions, my wife and mother prayed for me and encouraged me to believe in Jesus… I was just too hard-hearted. After my arrest, I had a lot of quiet time to think about the evil I’d done to my victims, their families, and my own family – but I remained stubbornly hard-hearted.”
“I would attend chapel and Bible study groups just as an excuse to get out of my cell. But as time went on, I began to feel something stirring within… the Lord never gave up on me… and I surrendered to Christ as my Lord and Savior.”
Michael has been walking with Jesus on San Quentin’s Death Row for more than 30 years. Let that sink in for a moment – he’s been more than three decades living for the Lord in a place many would think of as God-forsaken.
The same week that we heard from Michael, Edward wrote,
“Thank you for sponsoring me to take the Christian Doctrine course. The opening chapter on love spoke to me. The lesson on Heaven gives me hope for the future. To know what awaits me on the other side… truly amazing!
The lesson on the evidence of our pardon provided me with more hope. I deal with a great deal of guilt and shame daily. Knowing I am forgiven and pardoned through Jesus is a true blessing.”
Edward, like Michael, is a convicted criminal who met Jesus in prison and is striving to grow by studying God’s word.

Make a donation.
Because of your support, the ministry of ARM Prison Outreach, the church continues to grow and thrive behind prison bars.
American Rehabilitation Ministries honors God’s calling to minister to those in prison through ARM Prison Outreach International. Its programs are designed to proclaim the love and message of Jesus Christ to the incarcerated both domestically and internationally…to help lead them into a saving and personal relationship with the Savior, to build them up in the faith, and to equip them for a lifetime of faithful service to the Lord’s Kingdom. “I was in prison and you came to visit me.” Matthew 25:36